Wednesday 17 December 2014

House Singing Competition

Dear parents,

This week has seen the children engaged in practices for the House Singing Competition tomorrow. Each house has been given a popular Christmas song to perform on stage on Friday morning. The children have been really excited about this and are looking forward to the competition. Sandringham's song (Slade's Merry Christmas Everybody) is an extravaganza of characters, including a Father Christmas, Rudolf and Noddy Holder, no less!

Also this week, the children have been doing several collaborative Christmas activities, including wordsearches, colour-by-numbers, maths sheets, group story-writing, phonics - a little bit of everything

If you would like to see the Christmas Show again, please click this link:

Year 2

You can also see the Year 1 show here:

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Year 2 Chinese lesson

I know how to write a Christmas card to my parents.

Year 2 sentence practice

Kids need to use the Chinese characters linking the knowledge they have learnt for intermediate level in year 2 to practice the sentences structure:
 "...是(is/ are / am)...."  and "...吃(eat)..."

Another sentence structure we have studied of this term is:  ...喜欢...

This class we did differentiation for intermediate level.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry  Christmas! 

This week we will learn a Christmas song in mandarin, see how good we are!

This worksheet will send to home this week, please sing with kids!

Photos for 2D

Due to some technical difficulties here are the pictures that were intended to accompany the 2D blog.

Camouflage, targets, Dojo and golden time in 2D.

2D have had another fantastic week. Not only have we performed our Christmas production twice but we have also:
Made camouflage pictures where we used patterns to hide a small pieces of paper on a larger piece of paper, the really successful ones were so difficult to see you had to touch the picture to find the hidden paper.

We recently introduced target pencils, as in the photograph, our class target is to improve handwriting the next target, coming soon, will be punctuation of sentences.

We have been successfully using the class Dojo for over a week now. Children win Dojo points for remaining on task and working hard. Five Dojo points equal a house point and Mr Dixon even gives prizes on Friday afternoon for excellent working attitude maintained all week.

The week finished with some well earned golden time when each pupil can choose from a list of activities.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Christmas with the 2C Aliens

2C really enjoyed practising and putting on a great performance of 'Christmas with the Aliens'. Well done 2C!

The Fantastic Show and The Fabulous Term

This week has been a marathon of the dramatic arts! The children worked extremely hard to rehearse their various parts and performed the shows fantastically well, not just twice on Thursday for the parents, but also in our dress rehearsal for the rest of the school on Tuesday.

I was particularly proud of the way the children demonstrated their increasing independence when they were getting themselves changed into costume for the shows. What is also pleasing to note, is the way the children waited patiently and sensibly while the teachers organised other children into positions on the stage.

As we near the end of the term, and I reflect on the progress each child in the class has made, it is in this area that I feel my class have made possibly the most progress. They are maturing and becoming more aware of their own behaviour. Overall the behaviour and the positive attitude towards learning that I now see on a daily basis is very pleasing indeed. They have all come a long way since the beginning of the term and have earned themselves a good rest over the holidays.

Well done, children!

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Creating 3D castles in art

Year 2 pupils were working hard to complete their 3D castles in art yesterday. After finishing the brick pattern they had to add a battlement, door, windows and of course a flag to complete their very own castle design. The results look fantastic. Well done Year 2.

Monday 8 December 2014

Design a PE lesson 2B

Today has been a day of preparation for our first dress rehearsal to the school tomorrow. With that in mind and trying to not give too much away this blog post is going to be shorter than usual.
When not rehearsing the children enjoyed revising their knowledge in Mandarin class and designing their own PE lesson in their class today with Mr Reid. Ballet seemed to be a popular option! 

Friday 5 December 2014

Singing Poetry and Maths

What a busy week. We have been writing poetry about the natural world using descriptive language and patterns of repeated words.

Our work in maths has included solving problems using the four rules of number. Children were encouraged to use various methods to solve these problems including using blocks, drawing dots and counting with a 100 square, and all this whilst rehearsing for our production.

Our class have worked hard this week rehearsing songs, movements and words. I have been particularly proud of their willingness to take changes in routine in their stride and by their hardworking, mature attitude. We have some very good singers indeed and I expect a career in Hollywood beckons for some of our performers.