Thursday 11 December 2014

The Fantastic Show and The Fabulous Term

This week has been a marathon of the dramatic arts! The children worked extremely hard to rehearse their various parts and performed the shows fantastically well, not just twice on Thursday for the parents, but also in our dress rehearsal for the rest of the school on Tuesday.

I was particularly proud of the way the children demonstrated their increasing independence when they were getting themselves changed into costume for the shows. What is also pleasing to note, is the way the children waited patiently and sensibly while the teachers organised other children into positions on the stage.

As we near the end of the term, and I reflect on the progress each child in the class has made, it is in this area that I feel my class have made possibly the most progress. They are maturing and becoming more aware of their own behaviour. Overall the behaviour and the positive attitude towards learning that I now see on a daily basis is very pleasing indeed. They have all come a long way since the beginning of the term and have earned themselves a good rest over the holidays.

Well done, children!

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