Sunday 14 December 2014

Camouflage, targets, Dojo and golden time in 2D.

2D have had another fantastic week. Not only have we performed our Christmas production twice but we have also:
Made camouflage pictures where we used patterns to hide a small pieces of paper on a larger piece of paper, the really successful ones were so difficult to see you had to touch the picture to find the hidden paper.

We recently introduced target pencils, as in the photograph, our class target is to improve handwriting the next target, coming soon, will be punctuation of sentences.

We have been successfully using the class Dojo for over a week now. Children win Dojo points for remaining on task and working hard. Five Dojo points equal a house point and Mr Dixon even gives prizes on Friday afternoon for excellent working attitude maintained all week.

The week finished with some well earned golden time when each pupil can choose from a list of activities.

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