Monday 15 June 2015

2C Adverbs, Phonics, Show and Tell, Reading Comprehension and Maths Word Problems!

2C practising how to use adverbs and having a go at using them in sentences.

 Mr Chave's Phonics class practising some past tense verbs!

 More Show and Tell!

 Oskar talking about his Kung Fu exam!

 2C going through their answers to a reading comprehension about making honey!

 More Show and Tell from Sasha about her Kayak/Run race!
 Finding herself and mummy on YouTube in last year's Kayak/Run race! Autographs please...
 Going through Maths word problems and trying to link the mathematical language to the correct operation e.g. addition, subtractions, multiplication or division.

 More Show and Tell!

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