Friday, 5 June 2015

2C Max Velthuijs Book Review, Phonics, Time, Show and Tell, HK Geography, Birthdays and Paired Reading!

2C learning about Dutch author Max Velthuijs!

 2C book reviews of 'Frog is Frog'!

 Mr Chave's phonics class learning about prefixes!

 Prefix 'dis'!
 Learning about time in 2C!

Closing their eyes and putting hands up when they think a minute has passed!

 Daniel, Brian, William and Maximus showing what they did in Drama!

 The desire for Show and Tell shows no signs of diminishing!

 Jasmine proud of her diary writing!

 2C in Theme learning how to spot changes to the environment of Hong Kong by examining old and recent photographs of the same areas in Hong Kong.

 Learning to match digital and analogue times!

 William's birthday celebrations!
 Year 4 reading with 2C!

 Mr Chave's phonics class trying to match verbs with the correct rule for turning them into the past tense.

 William's birthday feast!

 William hands out gifts!
 Looking at the Max Velthuijs book 'Frog is Sad'! Children then gave their ideas why they thought frog was sad.

 Examining emotions and feelings and how they relate to ourselves and characters in books.
 Mr Chave's phonics class matching verbs with their particular past tense rule!

 More Show and Tell!

 Trying to solve problems involving time e.g. A lion starts eating at 11 o'clock. He eats for one hour. What time does he finish eating?

 Children also tried to make up their own TV shows, naming them and stating what time they start, finish and the duration - drawing the correct corresponding clock faces.

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