Monday 29 September 2014

He huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down!

The children have been continuing the story of Little Red Riding Hood in English by role playing a police investigation today. We analysed each of the characters from the story before creating a list of questions to ask. The children soon learnt the language of questioning and the correct punctuation to use. They created some wonderful questions for their investigations. We have continued to explore numbers by partitioning them into thousands, hundreds, tens and units. The class have started to complete addition sums using their knowledge of simple addition and the rules they know about adding tens to complete trickier number sentences. They really enjoyed using Dienes blocks to help them with this. In Geography we continued to develop our knowledge of world mapping by learning the 7 continents and 5 main seas. The children really enjoyed playing the Geospy game to help them learn this - perhaps you'd like to try it at home!

Below are some photos of the Science lesson from last week - after learning about materials and their properties the children had to build houses that would survive the Big Bad Wolf's visit. I have also included a few photos of the children creating their puppet theatre show box for Little Red Riding Hood.

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