Thursday 18 September 2014

Story Sequencing in 2E

Class 2E have been reading the story of The Three Little Pigs. We also watched a video version of it. We discussed the similarities and differences between the two versions and then worked in pairs to re-tell the events of the story in sequence. Mr Oak, being a mean and nasty person, gave us all a version of the story, but he had cut it all up so that it was in a different order. He said that we had to work together, showing amazing teamwork, to put the parts of the story back into the right order. There was a lot of discussion about whether the wolf ate he first pig before the second pig had built his house, or whether all the houses were built before the wolf appeared in the story. The answer? It depends which version you read!

Here are some photos of the children trying to put the story back together:

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