Monday 15 September 2014

Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome to the Year 2 blog! We will be using this as a tool to display some of the children's work, to keep you updated on class activities and anecdotes. Each class teacher will post their entry on a set day...please see below for more details.

Monday - 2B Miss Batiste
Tuesday - 2A Miss Howard
Wednesday - 2C Mr Chave
Thursday - 2E Mr Oak
Friday - 2D Mr Dixon

Class 2B

Today the class continued their English work on Traditional Tales. Last week they learnt about the story of 'The Three Little Pigs', role playing the story, writing compound sentences, completing some fantastic storyboards (see below) and culminating in a piece of creative writing retelling the story. Today this topic was continued as we began to look at the story of Cinderella (if your child hasn't already I would highly recommend them either watching the video or reading the story at home so that they can get to know the characters and context.) We started the lesson with a discussion about heroes and villains which was used to later identify the types of character in the story. The class were then split into two groups and asked to created a character profile for either Cinderella (hero) or the ugly stepsisters (villains). I was very impressed with the number of adjectives collected and the way the class were able to consider the story to support their ideas.

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