Monday 22 September 2014

Little Red Riding Hood, Partitioning Numbers and Features of a Castle

2B have been extremely busy today developing their knowledge and understanding of some of our new topics - including 'Materials and their Properties' (Science), 'Traditional Tales' (English) and Castles (History). They have also been practising partitioning numbers in Maths using counting beads and other apparatus. 

This week we started a new Traditional Tale - Little Red Riding Hood. The children loved learning about the story, sequenced it perfectly and created some fantastic Missing posters for Little Red Riding Hood. If you haven't already I'd really encourage you to start reading a selection of Traditional Tales at home so that the children become familiar with the language and writing styles. E.g. 'once upon a time' 'and they all lived happily ever after.' Later in the week the children will be creating puppets from the story, performing plays in class, writing police questions to investigate the wolf and other characters in the story and writing their own Red Riding Hood piece based in Hong Kong. The children will have to think about what food Red would have packed to take to Granny (perhaps sushi or jiaozi) how she would travel to see her (by MTR, junk boat, taxi etc...) and where Granny lives (perhaps a flat/apartment in Lam Tin!)

Partitioning numbers in Maths:

Features of a Castle:

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