Sunday 22 February 2015

2B - Moon Landing, Chinese New Year and Subtraction

2B have settled back into school extremely quickly and have impressed me with their hard work today. In the morning they each wrote a recount of their Chinese New Year - working hard to include time words, connectives, an array of punctuation, and adjectives for description. The children were able to include trickier writing skills such as using commas,  speech marks and connectives such as 'however.'

In Maths the children began to extend their knowledge of subtraction by writing number sentences and showing their workings out on a number line. They all did fantastically and quickly moved onto creating their own two 2-digit subtraction sentences and drawing their own number lines rather than using a template. The children also really enjoyed the Math extension games!

In History we started learning about the Moon Landing. The children were engrossed and asked so many fantastic questions that the lesson turned into a research and discussion task. We will continue this tomorrow when we watch a video clip of the first moon landing and share the answers to some of today's interesting questions before completing the task. Questions included: "what was the material used for the astronauts suit and visor?" 'How thick would the visor material have to be to protect them?" "How deep are the craters of the moon?" "Which way does the Earth spin as it rotates around the sun?"...among others...!

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