Wednesday 11 February 2015

2C Riddles, 100 Days at NAIS HK and 2D/3D Shapes!

2C using the fun Sentence Doctor game! The children have to make the sentences with errors on the board (which are 'sick') better by writing it down on their mini-whiteboards correctly.

 Learning about riddles and how to solve them!

 2C getting into the spirit of celebrating 100 days of NAIS HK by thinking about what they would be like when they are 100 years old! First drawing their own self-portrait and then writing what they might be like or what they might have done in their lives. Many interesting answers resulted!

Trying to think of 100 different ways to make 100 in Maths!

2C trying to get a good idea of how long 100 seconds is. Children first estimated how many times they could do an activity such as clapping their hands, saying the alphabet, hopping up and down, writing their own name in 100 seconds before recording how many times they actually did it in that time. Much fun was had!

 2C trying to solve more riddles! Some interesting answers...

2C writing and trying their riddles on the rest of the class!

 2C practising their recall of 2D and 3D shape names and trying to find out how many faces, edges and corners their shapes have. Much debate arose!

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