Wednesday 25 February 2015

2E Weather forecasts, Riddles and Weighing

This week the children have been enjoying reading and writing riddles. They have been thinking of clues that they could give which describe an object but which do not make it too easy for someone to guess what the object is. I have been impressed with some of the figurative language the children have used - things like "I have one ear" and " I have a big hole in the top of my head" to describe a teacup. They will organise their clues into easier and harder clues and think about the best way to order them to make the riddle fun to do, but not too easy.

The children also had a chance to deliver their weather forecasts which they completed just before the holiday. The task was to present a weather forecast in the style of a TV weather presenter, including a suitable greeting (Hello. This is the weather forecast from the BBC for tomorrow.) and a sign-off (And that's the weather tomorrow. Goodnight.) We watched a couple of examples online of how professional weather forecasters speak and how they use their hands and the children tried to emulate them. Below are some photos of them doing their forecast. 

In maths this week, we have been using weighing scales to measure the weight of various classroom objects. The children had to estimate how many cubes each object weighed (by hold the object in one hand and the cubes in the other) and then measure it accurately using the scales. They had great fun doing this activity. There are some photos below.

Using scales to weight classroom objects.

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