Sunday 8 February 2015

2B Shape Poems

Today 2B had a day filled with Animal Poetry and Shape Poems! The class started the day by exploring and recording different adjectives to describe their animal of choice. Many of the children chose sea creatures - linking their ideas to our work on Oceans. The class were then asked to consider their senses and record ideas about their animal concentrating on...

1) what they look like (for example from Senne's work: [about a shark] 'blood pouring from it's razor sharp teeth')
2) what they sound like (either what the animal can hear or how the animal sounds as it moves. For example from Eva's work 'the snake slithered over crunching leaves.')
3) what they feel like, (for example from Mao's work: 'a rabbits tale as fluffy as candyfloss')
4) what they can taste, (for example from Roy's work: 'the dragon's spiky teeth crunching fishes bones')
5) what they smell like/can smell (for example from Andy's work 'the dragon smells like a smokey bonfire.')

Once these ideas were recorded the children were taught how to put their ideas into a poem. They were reminded that poems have shorter lines and the focus is on LOTS of ADJECTIVES! We also talked about cutting unnecessary words from the lines so that the final piece sounds more like a poem and less like an information piece of writing. After some practise and sharing of ideas the children recorded their poems on scrap paper. The final step was to turn the writing into a shape poem. A selection of the final poems have been included below for you to see.

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