Monday 9 February 2015

2C Ernest Shackleton, Animal Habitats, Cake and Assessments!

Noah and William matching words that rhyme!

2C learning about the amazing adventures of Ernest Shackleton and how he battled to cross Antarctica. The children enjoyed learning about his trials and tribulations whilst trying to write sentences to describe photos linking to his famous expedition. They also enjoyed discussing how many Dojo points for 'perseverance' Mr Chave would award Ernest for not giving up!

 The class learnt about different types of animal habitats such as polar, forest, savannah, ocean, rainforest and desert. They discussed the various physical differences between the habitats, which suited specific animals better and why. They then worked to create a poster displaying the information about one of them.

2C enjoying home-made cake brought in by new boy William. Yummy!

 2C doing their writing assessments!

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