Tuesday 10 March 2015

2C Fantasy Worlds, Volume and Capacity, Weather Forecasts, Phonics and Word Problems!

Star of the Week Arianna showing off her practising skills creating a poster about ocean habitats using an iPad to research information.
 Sasha being creative on the iPad!
 Warren loves his house Balmoral!
 Moving on in our English to now learning about fantasy stories and how to use description to describe fantasy worlds.

 Looking at capacity and volume in Maths, Children have been introduced to using measuring jugs to work out how much water is contained in various containers. The class started to use vocabulary such as millilitres (ml) and litres (l), learning that different shaped containers might not always contain the amount of water they first thought.

 Birthday boy Oskar handing out his cupcakes to grateful recipients!

 William and Daniel collaborating to make words with magnetic letters!

 In Geography, the class have continued their learning about weather by creating a weather forecast for Asia using some of the weather symbols they created previously. They tried to mark Hong Kong on the map too!

 Arianna using her linking skills to grab a book from the classroom about weather!

 Rajveer using his linking skills when discussing thunder!

 Amazed by some snowfall in Hokkaido, Japan!
 In Phonics, Mr Chave's set looked at different ways to spell the 'ai' sound in words. Children tried to write down as many words from the text on the board which contained them. Much discussion ensued!

 Answers revealed!

 Trying to sort words with 'ai' sounds into their respective spelling!

In Maths, children started to look at word problems involving measurement.

 Ian and Joonsuh collaborating to complete a crossword!

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