Wednesday 4 March 2015

2E Fruity Riddles

This week has seen us exercising our descriptive writing skills. The children, building on their work last week reading and analysing riddles, have written their own riddles about fruit and vegetables. They had a hands-on session where they got the opportunity to handle a selection of fruit and to really get their descriptive juices flowing.

They worked in pairs and wrote down ideas on large sheets on each table. They then went to the next table and read what the previous people had written about that fruit and added their own ideas. This was repeated until each pair had visited most of the tables. Obviously, as the activity went on, the children had to move from writing the most obvious descriptions - colour, shape, size, etc - to thinking more laterally and figuratively - as yellow as the sun, spiky green hair, etc.

Here are some photographs of the children cogitating with the comestibles.

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