Tuesday 24 March 2015

Class 2A

Year 2 have been working hard over the last few weeks learning about fantasy stories. The children have spent a lot of time creating their own fantasy world and characters. They were set a competition to Crete their own fantasy character using their imagination and here's what they came up with...

This week the children will be writing their very own fantasy tales. We will spend a day writing each section of the story: beginning, middle and end. So far the children have written the first part of their story focusing on using using descriptive language and introducing the story. Here are some of their pieces of writing...

Can I also remind you that this weeks homework was to make an Easter Bonnet, ready for the parade on Thursday. The children will be judged on their efforts by Mr Cooklin and Mrs Pate.

In addition to this we have International day on Thursday. The children are allowed to wear fancy dress to school, linked to their home country, a country they have visited or somewhere they have been. I look forward to seeing the children in their outfits on that day.

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