Thursday 12 March 2015

2E - A fraction of their former selves

2E have been grappling with fractions this week. The have been trying to find halves, quarters, thirds and fifths of both shapes and of amounts of objects. The children put their division knowledge to use in these lessons. Some children went a bit further and had to find three quarters, or four fifths of an amount. This proved to be a little tricky!

We then moved on telling the time again and working out intervals between two times. The children also had to work out the time half and hour earlier or later than a given time. They enjoyed this activity, especially as they all had a mini clock to play with to help them work out the times.

In English, we have started a new unit of work - fantasy stories. We have started this week by looking at and thinking about settings for different fantasy stories, and designing our own setting for a story which we will write over the the course of the next coupe of weeks. The children recorded themselves describing their setting and then listened to the recording in order to transcribe what they had said into the English books.

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