Sunday 8 March 2015

Fractions - 2B

The class have really enjoyed learning about fractions today. They started by learning how to find half and quarter of a shape - no matter it's size or style. The children then each tried to record these fractions, explaining the method and why it is written like this. After several challenge questions on the board the class were excited to try this themselves and did a fantastic job investigating fractions such as 2/6, 5/8, 3/4, 5/6 etc... before creating their own challenge questions for a partner.

This afternoon the children started to explore fantasy settings - beginning our new topic of 'Fantasy Stories'. We watched a short clip from 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' where the main character Lucy stumbles across a magical land at the back of a wardrobe. The class thought carefully about different adjectives to describe this setting (Narnia) and were encouraged to consider their senses whilst doing this.

Tomorrow morning the children will choose one of the example settings to stick at the back of their own wardrobe - imagining that they too have discovered a new land. The children will then record as many adjectives as they can think of to describe what the land looks, smells, tastes, feels and sounds like. Those with the most adventurous adjectives will be awarded House Points!

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