Wednesday 29 October 2014

2C learning to use number lines, kung fu punctuation and collecting for charity!

Children have been learning to add using number lines this week. Learning how to draw their own number lines to visually represent what an addition sum is asking them to do, it equips them with a method to break down and solve more complex addition sums at a later stage. It additionally gives them a tool to help them improve their ability to calculate mentally.

Children are learning to broaden their understanding of a wider range of punctuation. To make it fun and to help them remember the names and symbols of punctuation, we have been using 'Kung Fu Punctuation' to assign actions to punctuation symbols.

Once the actions have been learnt, children will be able to put the actions against sentences to demonstrate where punctuation should go. Here are some of their actions for punctuation!

Commas in action!

Capital letters in action!

Speech marks in action!

Full stops in action!

Speech marks in action!

The class have also been learning about the notion of charity and what role it plays. Sasha's parents are currently embarking on a three day 100km marathon in Nepal to raise money and supplies for Nepalese school children. The class were really enthused by Sasha's presentation about the charity cause and decided to create mini-posters to adorn a cardboard box in order to ask other classes if they could donate some stationery for Sasha's parents to take to Nepal. We hope you enjoy their efforts as much as they did!

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