Monday 27 October 2014

First day back - 2B

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful time over half-term, the children were all excited to share their half-term activities with the class.  They spent some time writing a recount of their holiday and then taking it in turns to share it with their peers. We also started learning about Jack and the Beanstalk which will be our traditional tale of the week. Tom kindly brought in his copy of the story and the class really enjoyed listening to him read it. In Maths the class learnt how to use number lines and to show their addition sums using jumps. They also learnt how to recognise a right angle and designed some excelled Right Angle Monsters who munched their way around the school. We ended the day with a Science investigation in which the children tested the properties of a variety of materials...a busy first day back! 

*re-posted due to technical errors.

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