Wednesday 15 October 2014

Making and Using Story Cubes in 2C!

In continuation of our Traditional Tales unit, children have been practising coming up with their own ideas for story writing by making and using story cubes. Children made one of each of the following story cubes, then rolled them like dice and tried to write a couple of sentences as the basis for a story idea using what showed on the story cubes.

Good characters: Who is the hero in your story? A prince, princess, fairy etc.
Bad Characters: Who are the evil characters in the story? Trolls, giants, witches etc.
Setting: Where does the story occur? A cave, forest, castle, mountain etc.
Story Props: Some item such as a key, wand, hat etc. which is important to the story.

They had great fun practising how to use them and will use them again to form the basis as their own traditional tale.

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