Thursday 30 October 2014

The Magical Kingdom News

We have had a very busy and exciting first week back. We have continued looking at Traditional Tales with a focus on Jack and the Beanstalk. The children were very excited to watch a special news program with Reporter Howard and Reporter Batiste from The Magical Kingdom News. The children learnt that Jack had been caught by the police for stealing and telling lies. The children were then given the task to take on the role of the giant for a very special interview. The children were given time to think about how the giant felt when Jack took his harp and hen, what he was going to do now, what he thought Jacks punishment should be and how he was going to keep his castle safe ( the children used their history knowledge of castles to answer this question.) the children loved this task and made videos of themselves as the giant for The Magical Kindom News. Here's some photos of the children preparing their answers...

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