Thursday 16 October 2014

The story so far... 2E's own stories

The children have been working very hard writing their own traditional stories, using the class set of ipads. The have really run with the idea of writing in this way. It is a joy to see. Every child in the class is so motivated to write - "Can we do our stories again? Please, Mr Oak! Can we do some more writing?"

The stories so far are absolutely fantastic. So much so that I have decided to share some of them with you. I took some screenshots of the stories from the children's ipads.

Please note that, apart from an occasional full stop or spelling (and a few paragraph breaks) introduced by my good self, these represent the children's own independent work. I think you will agree that they show that the children have excellent imaginations and have really been exercising their creative muscles in this endeavour.

After we have celebrated the stories in class (and the children's admirable efforts to write them, we will find some time to look over each one and offer some constructive feedback so that everyone can make some improvements to their work, be it some more accurate grammar, more description, or an improved plot line.

Next, though - making puppet shows of the stories using Puppet Pals HD. I am very much looking forward to seeing these shows!

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