Tuesday, 21 April 2015

2C Part 3 - Measuring Length, Room on the Broom and The Gruffalo, Phonics, Cake, Book Reviews, Area and Plants!

Much debate about the correct answers to the class crossword!
 Sasha showing us her Burmese attire during Show and Tell!
 Learning about Length and how to use different units of measurement and mediums.

 Antje spotting questions from 'Room on the Broom' story. Children then wrote their own questions to ask the witch from the story before taking turns to become the witch and ask their questions.

 Becoming the witch!

 Learning how to turn words from singular into plural by adding 's' or 'es' and the rules involved.
 More times tables practice!

 Learning how to measure and convert units e.g. centimetres to millimetres.

 Measuring objects in the classroom and choosing the correct units/measuring tool.

 2C comparing the two Julia Donaldson stories 'Room on the Broom' and 'The Gruffalo', trying to collectively come up with ideas for the similarities and differences between them.

 Mr Chave's phonics class looking at compound words, illustrated well by Cory!

 Measuring the school!

 William bringing in some of his favourite home-made cake!

 Sasha and Sydney collaborating to practise their measuring skills by measuring some items in class!
 2C learning how to do a book review!

 Mr Chave's phonics set learning how to spell the days of the week!

 2C learning how to measure area! Children had to design their own playground with specific area amounts for such objects as sandpits, climbing frames and benches.

 2C learning about plants in Science and how to label their different parts!

 Mr Chave's phonics class sorting words into either taking 's' or 'es' as their plural.

 More practice of how to calculate area in Maths!
 2C and their playground designs using a scale of 1 square = 1 metre!

 Joonsuh also designing a new bedroom for himself!

 Children trying to sequence parts of a sentence to make sense.

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