In Science, 2C enjoyed looking at materials in a their pre-heated and later heated states. Taking egg, chocolate, butter and milk, they first examined and talked about the materials to see if they were a solid or liquid.
After this, children learnt the concept of making a prediction. They then predicted whether the materials would stay in the same state or change state from solids into liquids/liquids into solids when heated. The materials were placed in bowls within hot water and children observed the experiment to see if their predictions were correct.
In Maths the class have been introduced to multiplication and the language involved in the calculation such as 'groups of'. Children learnt the technique of interpreting multiplication sums as 'groups of' e.g. 4 X 3 = 4 groups of 3
Children then learnt to draw four circles each with three dots inside it. This made the sum less conceptual and more visual, allowing children to calculate the totals by counting/using repeated addition.
Multiplication can be a difficult concept to grasp at this age and the class really enjoyed learning this technique to solve questions which initially they found challenging.
2C started to plan the building of their castles using recycled materials. In order to write instructions to build a model castle, the class discussed the possible tools and materials needed to build a castle. Thinking about how recycled materials could be reused as parts of a castle led to much interesting debate and it was great to see many budding architects emerge!
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