Monday 3 November 2014

Who is that trip-trapping over my bridge? 2B

The class really enjoyed starting the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff today. They explored the character of the troll in the story before then imagining their own troll. The children all created some incredibly slimy, evil and scary looking trolls before labelling them with some excellent adjectives. Have a look below to see some of the finished products. Tomorrow we will be creating a Wanted poster for the troll and writing a news report for the incident in the story.

We also continued our revision of shape by playing various games and joining in chants to learn their names. We even learnt a few new tricky ones including decagon and heptagon. The children did fantastically well and I was really pleased with their effort. Please continue to revise these at home so that they are fresh in their minds for this week's work.

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